Gravity Forms-TablePress Mailer

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[wpdm_package id=’2242′]

This plugin captures data from a gravity form, creates a row in Table Press table, registers the user into the system, and sends out an email to all the respective parties.

This plugin creates rows in Tablepress from data submitted in a gravity form. As a result plugins “Gravity Forms”, “Tablepress” and “My Logit” are required. “My Logit” is used for logging and debugging purposes.

The menu to ‘gravity-mailer’ called ‘Gravity Forms Mailer Add-On’ will be found in the settings of Gravity Forms. The associated sub-menus are “Mailer Name Fix”, “Mailer Log It”, “Mailer Settings”, “Mailer Columns”, and “Mailer Debug”.  (Future plans call the sub-menus to become tabs within “Mailer Settings”.)

Mailer Name Fix: Routine to combine the names in a single column or split them into two columns.
Mailer Log it: This is the logger for logging and debugging.
Mailer Settings: This is the master settings page.
Mailer Columns: This routine associates TablePress columns to the Gravity Form labels.
Mail Debug: This routine allow you to turn on/off debug settings.

Required columns in Tablepress. (Column name can be your choosing.
Column numbers are used as the column identifier):

* Action (This is usually New, Update, Delete)
* Date (hidden field) Gravity Forms Advanced tab, Parameter Name must contain the word “date”.
* Renewal date. Email Members uses
* Email address
* Last Name
* Member (Hidden field, Must be ‘Y’ or ‘Yes’. This allows the roster to contain non-members, but only the members will received the email notices.)
* Expired Date (hidden field) Gravity Forms Advanced tab, Parameter Name must contain the word “expire”.

Optional Fields:
* Name fields are configurable and can be combined in a single or split across fields. As in, First Name, Last Name, or combined into a single field like Name.

Settings include:
* Turning on/off the sending of data TablePress
* Turning the sending of email on/off
* The TablePress table number
* The Gravity Forms name
* The logging of data sent to TablePress

Email fields are:
* To:
* From:
* Cc:
* Bcc:
* Subject:
* Email Message:
– In the email message you can use substitution for First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and Renewal Date. Following is an email example:

<h2>Attention Member</h2>
{F},<br /><br />
Your membership will be expiring on {R}. Please renew as soon as possible.
Here is a link to the online renewal form: <br />
<a href=></a><br /><br />
Thank you from the Club Membership

* After making any changes to the form, you will need click on Submit
as this updates the flags that are maintained the SQL database.

Plugin my-logit
* Plugin my-logit is used to log the data from the plugin email-members.
* In this plugin you can create a new log file, view it, print it, and clear it. You can name the file anything you want and it is kept in the folder http://your-domain/contents. “.log” is appended to the filename so do NOT append .log yourself.


1. Upload folder ‘gravity-tablepress’ to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory or install it using Plugins->Add New. This is a zip file and most likely in
your downloads folder.

(Note: This plugin requires plugin “Tablepress”, “Gravity Forms”, “Email Members,  and “My Logit”.)

2. Activate the plugins through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.After activation the following will be found in the Settings menu of Gravity Forms:
“TablePress Columns”, “TablePress Debug”, “TablePress Settings”, “TablePress Uninstall”.Log It (my-logit) has its own menu. Depending on the plugins from AinsworthETC, ‘Log It’
may be found in ‘Import Events’, ‘Extract Events’ or the Tools menu.3. Use Forms->Settings->TablePress Settings to configure the plugin and
Forms->Settings->TablePress Columns to map the Gravity Form lables to
the TablePress columns.4. To implement:

  1. Create your form in Gravity Forms.
  2. Create the 1st row (column headings in TablePress).
  3. Using TablePress Columns map the the Gravity Form lables to the TablePress column heading.
  4. Use TablePress Settings to complete the remainder of your setup.


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